2024 One-On-One Coaching w/special bonus Video

for Teams and Brokers

  • Weekly Face to Face Training

    60 minutes a week for 8 weeks on Zoom Face to Face which you can record and keep it. Pretty much shoving you under my wing and then throwing you out of the nest...then fixing the broken wing and repeating to make you a total badass. Also, although you have a manager that walk you through the steps of a deal I will be hear for you to work through problems that they may not help with very much.

  • Role Play and Real Time

    I have found that there are 2 types of people I train. I see some people want to role play and talk about the options and outcomes to get comfortable with prospecting and presentation. Then there are those who I feel are ready and I will just listen in on their calls and critique. I bring either one to the table to help you be able to overcome all situations with ease.

  • Access to templates and Marketing Material

    The best way to get started on any big project is to just start. I help you take immediate action as we grow for the future. I will help you build your presentation package along with letters and any other marketing material to make you look like a pro when you do get to the table.

  • Build Systems and Setup

    I get it. Doing a lot of the back end setup is hard. Making a slam package or doorknock material or even setting up the do not call list. I offer to do that for you during our calls as we build. This is a learning hospital as they say. I help setup your marketing material so you look great and feel excited to get it out in the public.

  • Body and mind

    Real estate is a numbers game, it is a contact sport, and the name of the game is listings. But do you have the right mindset and body strength to endure the rollercoaster that is sales? If not, this is my super power. Teaching you how to overcome is critical and necessary to your longevity.

  • Beat the Disruption

    If you thought that it was not worth becoming a better agent because the industry is going down you are right. Unless you can train to become a survivor of agentpocolypse or market shifts you will not make it. I have been through it all and I am still here. You need a coach like me. Someone who you know has seen some shit.

  • AI training

    Learn the latest tools and tricks to take advantage of the Artificial intelligence movement. Not more than you need but everything you can use. Including AI for social posting, AI for video creation and of course prompts to help you make better use of the latest tools.

  • Fearless prospecting by Phone

    With the right systems and scripts, we will role-play the best way to get a listing lead EVERY TIME YOU CALL. It is not that hard as long as you have the right setup. That includes DNC Compliance and TCPA awareness so that you can't fail.

  • Door to Door Mastery

    Learn the words to say to land legitimate leads in your desired farms. Become recognized and get come list me calls simply by asking one question. With the right words you can be in and out of a doorway unless you get a lead. Getting leads at the door will be like taking candy from a baby because you will be genuine and effective at communication.

  • Systems for Lead Gen and Follow up

    Having a database is not enough. There needs to be a workflow designed to accommodate all of the leads you will be getting. The fortune is in the follow-up and getting the right system in place for effective back-office production is critical.

  • Materials prepared for Production

    We will create materials for the prospect to be dazzled from the start. Even if you are not tech savvy I will sit with you and create these pieces like the famous "SLAM PACKAGE" that wins the listing every time. I don't just hand you my stuff I make your materials. 30 years of marketing into your hard drive to prepare for success. Including email templates, letter templates, and even door-knocking material ready to print. and quality but inexpensive.